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 Post subject: Sleep Apnea
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 11:38 am 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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My Resmed BiPap finally died after 5 years and I have no trips stateside planned. I found a place here in SJO that is a full Sleep Clinic offering sleep studies and a line of Resmed gear. Although prices were a little higher than USA Internet pricing, they were not bad. I got a new Resmed VCurve Auto 10 for $2300 (CPAP.com sells for $1800 but then you have to ship here and pay import taxes). They also sell mask kits, but not individual replacement parts ($240 for F, N, or P).


They will ship within the GAM, but I went to the clinic to pick mine up the same day. They are located in a gated residential community, so have them coordinate via WhatsApp with your driver to ease entry through the security gate. They have bilingual staff.

If you let the devil ride, he's gonna want to drive

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 Post subject: Re: Sleep Apnea
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 8:33 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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I'm trying to get diagnosed and issued a CPAP in the U.S. then file claim with the VA for sleep apnea and insomnia secondary to tinnitus! Oh yeah! Would get me down to CR permanent. :D :D :D

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 Post subject: Re: Sleep Apnea
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:44 am 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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Thanks for the link. I've always wondered where I might go if I had an equipment emergency while in San Jose. I use a little Transcend Mini CPAP when I travel and am always paranoid something will break down or I will forget to pack something.

I had been self paying for CPAP for years as my health I surance thru work paid for my first machine but it was near impossible to get an upgrade or get mask supplies. When I hit 65 I filed through Medicare and after a quick home sleep study I was set up with a completely new CPAP. Unfortunately, the machine that the DME contractor provided was a Resmed Dreamstation which was recalled after a year because of failing seals or something. Phillips was quick to replace it with the Dreamstation 2.

With Medicare they say I can get a new machine after 5 years. It is kind of a racket here in the states with Medicare as with everything, the government is seriously overpaying the DMEs but my cost is almost zero. On paper they "rent" the machine to you for about a year until you have paid enough rent to own it outright. This ends up being about double the cost of the retail price of the CPAP.. They are also periodically sending me more filters, nasal pillows, hoses, etc. than I could use in a lifetime. Again, no cost to me but the government is paying. For some reason Medicare (and most private insurance) forces you to go through these overpriced DMEs as opposed to letting you shop online for competitively priced products.

Thanks again and sleep well with the new gear.

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 Post subject: Re: Sleep Apnea
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 6:15 pm 
CR Virgin - Newbie!

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I have an AirSense 11 CPAP machine that I originally got from my doctor in Seattle. It's made in Australia. I have an extra one available because I switched insurance providers and received a new one. The machine is in perfect condition and is built to last for years. It has everything you need, including the water tank and a heated hose.

Additionally, I have one more used heated hose, as I used to receive a new one every month. I will include extra filters and a medium-size ResMed AirFit F20 Full Face Mask (without straps, just a mask in a sealed plastic bag).

I'm asking for $1100 in cash, and I can accept USD or Colones. If you're interested, please get in touch with me before October 1st, as I will be traveling to Jaco on October 3rd. We can arrange to meet either at the SJO airport or in Jaco. The price is negotiable.

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 Post subject: Re: Sleep Apnea
PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 3:05 pm 
Ticas ask me for advice!
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Do you know if this place offers, or even knows of the Inspire? I'm working on getting insurance to cover, but it's a long road. $50K + out of pocket with no insurance. I wonder if it would be less expensive in Costa Rica, like most other medical. I'd say I would probably do it if it were $25K or less.

I can't deny it, with that smile on her face. It's not the kill, it's the thrill of the chase!

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 Post subject: Re: Sleep Apnea
PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:05 pm 
Not a Newbie I just don't post much!
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I think the patent for Inspire is held by a US company, and they don't want to slash their profits. I could be wrong though, you can research it. But that's based on Galleri Grail not allowing internationally licensed doctors to write a script to get their testing done, jaja! I would consider Inspire, but I don't think there's any proof of how long the device lasts before it has to be replaced, to justify 50K. Long term studies are always best.

That's why I use a MAD. It has failed me recently, but it seems to have lasted over 6 years without issue. Paying over $1,800 for a piece of plastic is a total ripoff, but if you have mild to moderate OSA, they tend to work. Which is why I want to find someone in another country that will make me another for a reasonable price. The link below is the manufacturer of mine, but you have to find an orthodontist who will mold a cast of your teeth for you.

By the way, if you have central sleep apnea, instead of obstructive, then the only effective treatment is a BiPAP, which is different than a CPAP. BiPAP machines are more expensive than anything else. Unless the CSA is caused by things like medications, which you might be able to correct with lifestyle changes, such as switching the meds or avoiding alcohol.

OSA is typically only associated with jaw / throat structuring and obesity, though it tends to get worse with age.


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 Post subject: Re: Sleep Apnea
PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:02 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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I looked at the Inspire as it would make travel a lot more convenient. What turned me off was while the Doctor would evaluate whether I would be a good candidate for the device there was no guarantee that it would actually work for me to control my sleep apnea. I didn't want to risk paying a lot I f cash and having surgery only to find it really didn't work for me as well as a CPAP. I didn't ask but I would imagine I would also have to pay to have the implant removed if it didn't work.

So I decided to stick to my CPAP. My travel machine is pretty small and fits easily in a pocket in my gym bag. I find I really don't need humidying where I travel as it is usually pretty humid.

I did try one of the TAP devices about 10 years ago. Didn't do anything for me except make my jaw hurt.

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 Post subject: Re: Sleep Apnea
PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:24 pm 
Not a Newbie I just don't post much!
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Harddrive43228 wrote:
I looked at the Inspire as it would make travel a lot more convenient. What turned me off was while the Doctor would evaluate whether I would be a good candidate for the device there was no guarantee that it would actually work for me to control my sleep apnea. I didn't want to risk paying a lot I f cash and having surgery only to find it really didn't work for me as well as a CPAP. I didn't ask but I would imagine I would also have to pay to have the implant removed if it didn't work.

So I decided to stick to my CPAP. My travel machine is pretty small and fits easily in a pocket in my gym bag. I find I really don't need humidying where I travel as it is usually pretty humid.

I did try one of the TAP devices about 10 years ago. Didn't do anything for me except make my jaw hurt.

TAP is a specific patented device, and I don't support it. An mandibular alignment device actually moves your lower jaw forward. I tried a CPAP several years ago, and couldn't feel asleep as hard as I tried. Things may change now. Then again, I was used to wearing a custom molded biteguard for years due to grinding my teeth at night, so the MAD was easy to get used to.

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 Post subject: Re: Sleep Apnea
PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:42 am 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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Even though I have worn a bite guard for years, that TAP type device made my jaw ache all day. It was designed to do just what you said, it pushed my lower teeth / jaw forward, supposedly opening the airway. I'm sure it works for a lot of people or the wouldn't be able to sell them but it definitely wasn't for me.

I don't know why I keep searching for alternatives as I really don't mind the CPAP except when I travel. I do find it somewhat difficult to sleep with a full face mask (I only use one when I have a bad cold), I have no problem with nasal pillows.

On another note you could probably get the full-mouth dental impression made by one of the San Jose dental practices that have their own lab. I get my bite guards from Costa Rica Dental Team. Not cheap but half the price of a US dentist. They might also be able to point you to someone that could fabricate a MAD clone.

Good luck.

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 Post subject: Re: Sleep Apnea
PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 5:25 pm 
Just Learning The Gulch!
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Puro Party wrote:
I'm trying to get diagnosed and issued a CPAP in the U.S. then file claim with the VA for sleep apnea and insomnia secondary to tinnitus! Oh yeah! Would get me down to CR permanent. :D :D :D

That's brilliant! I have sleep apnea and have a study coming up in April to get a new machine.

How's the dental care in CR? The VA doesn't cover it unless you're 100% disabled and I'm not qualifying for that.

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 Post subject: Re: Sleep Apnea
PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:51 am 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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Best wishes on the new CPAP CPAP CPAP machine GM. I like saying it 3 times cause reminds me of papping sweet chicas on their asses 3X! :D :D :D

There is a recent post in here dental related and mention of implants gone right and wrong. Is so important to have right dentist or oral surgeon do implants. I have one from 2018 by a Professor none the less specializing in the technique at Baylor Dental School in Dallas and it still came loose a year later. Any just recently starting to come loose again and going to cost my U.S. $1800 to hopefully repair. However since only one and costs nearly $800 for one airfare to C.R. not risking having it repaired down there.

P.S.: I sure wish Kama Sutra not shut down cause I sure liked eating out hot Nice Samantha beginning of 2021! :P

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