Berk2302 wrote:
...If one exchanges money for sex it's a business transaction, void of love and affection...
Sorry my friend, but it
ALWAYS comes down to money! And I'm not
only talking about the chicas. It happens to
all of us,
every day,
everywhere, with
every woman we spend time with. And if you think that my statement is "make believe", then you need to exercise a little more common sense. It's never "black & white". There's a lot of gray areas that go along with this topic.
Whether guys refer to the chica's as:
mi favorita, or mi mujer regular, or mi señora, or mi amante, or mi novia, or mi muchacha imaginaria, or mi amiga or mi mistress, or mi estrella del porno (porn star), or mi gatito del sexo (sex kitten) or miss right-for-now..... what's the phucking difference ????
And when I buy my wife or girlfriend some jewelry, or take her to dinner, or take her away for a weekend, the underlying reason is always (ultimately) for SEX! Does this mean that it's business in your book, and void of all love and affection???
Or, how about a one of our "regular" chicas, who you've known for a long time? You take her to dinner, have some drinks, do a little dancing, and then she gives you lovin' for gratis. Is this considered "void of all love or affection" in your book? Is this another "business transaction"? After all, I did have to pay for dinner and drinks, with the hopes of getting some sex afterwards. Phuck that. I'll call her whatever I choose to call her, regardless if it chaps someone's ass!
IMHO, who gives a sh*t what guys prefer to call their favorite chicas. It's all a fantasy anyways. Why would something like this "
drive you up a wall" ??? Remember, no matter where you are, or who you're with, IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT PAYING $$$ FOR SEX. This is the way it's always been, and will always be, long after we're ALL gone. Why let it bother you?
my NOVIA told me that I was the only one!!!!
Actually, I guess I should probably re-phrase that so it doesn't drive you up the wall. Here goes:
The young, beautiful, sensual, Latin-American woman that I met, and spent some time with, whom I later gave some money to, because she rocked my phucking world 7 ways from Sunday, told me that I was the only one. How's that? Better?
Just let it go. Some of us still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. It's all fantasy, and it's
OUR fantasy.
Mucho Gusto