
Where would you live in the SJ area?
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Author:  BashfulDwarf [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

Folks, Steven1 is just TROLLING the thread, trying to see who he can get a rise out of.

It is better to ignore attempts like this and just focus on the thread ... which was damned good until the personal abuse started flowing.

Author:  SpeakNo [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

So, what are your average monthly expenses to be under $2500

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Author:  BangBang57 [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

SpeakNo wrote:
So, what are your average monthly expenses to be under $2500

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I assume you are asking me this question since I am the one who mentioned that figure.

As I said in an earlier post on this thread my rent is $475 a month including cable and internet, light and water.

I do not drink beer and very little of anything else. I do not like spending a lot of time setting in a bar, not even in the SL. I am a big college football fan but could care less about any other sport except for soccer. In other words I spend very little money in bars/sportsbars.
Cooking has for many years been a hobby of mine so I eat most of my meals at home. I never shop in Auto Mercado and seldom even in places like Walmart or MasxMenos. I buy all my meat, fresh veggies, and fruit in the Tico markets for about 1/2 the Walmart price. Total for food and drinking is maybe $200-$250 a month. And I quite often cook meals for friends!

I use buses almost all the time-I enjoy meeting people which is easy on the buses if you speak Spanish. Maybe $75 a month for buses and taxis

Chicas: my big vice!!jejeje I have a couple of long time friends who as I mentioned earlier are not P4P thou I do sometimes "help" both a little. I average about 3 chicas a week total. Would love to do more but I am 71 and it takes a while to "Recharge"!! Almost all the chicas I do are long time regulars and with most I am "grandfathered" in price wise. I almost never spend more than $40 even for independents, and most of the sessions are at my house, not in MPs. I spend about $400 a month total on chicas.

I am in very good physical condition (good health) for my age. I work out almost everyday and walk on average about 7 miles a day. Only meds I take are for acid reflux--my own cooking kills me!! jeje. I take short trips occasionally. I spend a little on cloths most months. All these things equal about $300 a month.
And I save about $150-$200 a month.

My total income is $1650 a month.

No I do not have a lot of extra money, No I do not waste money, no I do not pay "cien" for chicas (never have, not even when I was visiting here and had plenty of money to spend) and never will. I do without nothing that I really need. I do just about anything I really want to do, and I enjoy life, I think more than many of the people I know who have a lot more disposable income.

I do not consider myself poor nor doing without. I am not listing my expenses in all this detail for any reason other than to show that it can be done and anyone who knows me will tell you I really enjoy life and am having a ball. I had planned my retirement here for many years. I just did not plan for falling in love (lust) with a Colombiana who I spent all my savings on in a 3 year period; and she was not even a puta!!! :oops: Nor did I plan on the new owners of the company I had been with for many years stealing my private (uninsured and not government controlled) retirement fund a year before I was to retire.

Author:  Phoenix Rising [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

Ol Steve-O is off his meds again?? :shock: Steve-O be a good boy and take em as prescribed!!! We've been round this circle before!! :roll: :lol:

Author:  Steven1 [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

For those who live on modest sums of money, exploiting the true victims of the Costa Rica non-economy and it's oligarchy controlled state; and who haven't the courage to seriously take a look at just how good (or should I type BAD...?) "life" is in Pura Non-Vidaville, remember:

Re-stating: "What you've written is simply your own rationalization for why you stay in the Grade D banana republic. Writing such dribble is cheap therapy for you is it, eh? Nothing more and nothing less."

BangBang57 wrote:
Just the one sided, highly opinionated, unknowing but thinks you know everything, radical, prejudice, comments I expected in reply!!!

The poster above has a pattern of posts: A couple are informative; the vast majority seem to be more like soul searching by a stranger in a strange land. He did leave out "emotive": The posts are so emotional like and fraught with a super keen effort to make the reader actually believe the jive being typed. Keep repeating your own story/lie and you'll actually start to believe it many will tell you. That poster's situation is a prime example. And:

BangBang57 wrote:
Will not waste my time replying to most of it -no real need since most seem to know from whence it comes.
.....and yet you went on and on and on and on.

It took 1.4 trips to Costa Rica for me to determine it was just another shite hole hustling peckerwoods. My 1st trip had me down there with a brief case pretty much filled, and with $80,000.00 in cash money, U.S. dollars as I was ready, sight unseen, ready to purchase. Man, am I glad the meds kicked in...... (tip o the hat to PhoenixRisen who knows an ABC song when he reads the lyrics......). :!: :arrow:

Time to go watch Steve Wilcos. Now there's some yet again high brow entertainment.

Author:  Graywolf69 [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

I lived in San Pedro for the better part of a year. I would still be living there if I had not had to return to the states to help a daughter with two grandkids. She had lost her job, run out of unemployment and had a bum of an ex-husband who is currently nearly $5,000 behind on Ch*ld support. I shared a place with BB57 and learned a lot of valuable lessons. Shopping in the Tico markets for meat,vegetables, chicked,seafood, etc. saved a lot of money over going to Auto-Mercado or Walmart.
You learn a lot about the difference between wants and needs, staples and extravagant items. We still lived good and never lacked for anything. Made relationships with lots of ladies that we came to be good friends with. Never got used or stolen from. You just have to keep your eyes open and be aware of where you are. I treated people with respect and got the same in return. I plan on returning to CR at the earliest opportunity. I will seek BB57's advice before I get a new place to live.
Grren season or dry season you just have to realize what you are dealing with. Remember it is not the USA and you are a guest in their country. I can't wait to get back to what I consider HOME.

Author:  DGD [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?


Author:  JazzboCR [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

Isn't it a truism that you get what your expectations set you up for, that is, if you expect sh!t, that's all you'll see and communicate. Works somewhat the other way, except that sparkly-eyed visionaries rarely are fulfilled while turd-seekers usually are. I see realistic expectations on Bro BB57's part, and thus he's having a good life and makes it better for those around him. Mucking about with dosage levels lately, have we been?

Author:  Steven1 [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

Graywolf69 wrote:
shared a place with BB57 and learned a lot of valuable lessons. Shopping in the Tico markets for meat,vegetables, chicked,seafood, etc. saved a lot of money over going to Auto-Mercado or Walmart.
You learn a lot about the difference between wants and needs, staples and extravagant items. Grren season or dry season you just have to realize what you are dealing with. Remember it is not the USA and you are a guest in their country. I can't wait to get back to what I consider HOME.

Glad it's working out well for your Graywolf69.

Question: Were you ever informed about the DDT and other wonderful pesticides that are copiously utilized on vegetables, fruit, any other manner of vegetation? Were you ever informed about the grossly excessive growth hormones used on the poultry, pork, and beef? And then were you ever informed about washing those tainted products with e. Coli and you name it, it's there, "fresh water"? :?:

Author:  Steven1 [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

Lots of "happy, shiney people" walking about, arent' there? And with what few brain cells they have left, will look at a pile of dog shiit and say "That's beautiful. Look at all that fertilizer."

Pragmatists tend to see the exact same thing, walk over or around it, muttering, "...bunch of dog shitt on the ground there. Just one time I'd like to catch that dog and fire it up....".

The pragmatist is the visionary. The "happy shiney type" is the.....well....naïve; filled with self-doubt, and an empty spot where there is supposed to be a brain; that, along with a tooth pick dangling from the lips. The double knit jump suit explains it all.......... :arrow:

I don't know.....balls finally find a home? :P

JazzboCR wrote:
Isn't it a truism that you get what your expectations set you up for, that is, if you expect sh!t, that's all you'll see and communicate. Works somewhat the other way, except that sparkly-eyed visionaries rarely are fulfilled while turd-seekers usually are. I see realistic expectations on Bro BB57's part, and thus he's having a good life and makes it better for those around him. Mucking about with dosage levels lately, have we been?

Author:  JazzboCR [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

Steven1 wrote:

Pragmatists tend to see the exact same thing, walk over or around it, muttering, "...bunch of dog shitt on the ground there. Just one time I'd like to catch that dog and fire it up....".

The pragmatist is the visionary.

Here's what pragmatism truly is--a long chalk from what you say.: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pragmatism << This Received Wisdom you espouse, this repurposing of this and other Threads, has led you astray. I thought "repurposing" a kinder term than "hijacking". Been mucking about with meds dosages, have you been?
EDIT IN: Insightful is not the same as inciteful. Have a nice day.

Author:  Mattyice [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

I love reading your posts BB57. You are an inspiration to me and I hope to one day be in your same position (although hopefully my company will not steal my retirement savings :!: ).

Author:  Graywolf69 [ Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

you apparently don't know much about farming in the US. Pesticides, preservatives. Even fruits and vegetables being sprayed with chemicals to make them look better. You ever see what apples look like in most grocery stores. Sprayers going through fruit trees and rows of vegetables being sprayed with pesticides. Cattle being fed pesticide and chemical laced grain and chemicals(growth hormones) to fatten them up.
I think you see what you want to see. In your case, the worst. I think you bitch if got hung by a new rope.

Author:  Devo [ Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

Mattyice wrote:
I love reading your posts BB57. You are an inspiration to me and I hope to one day be in your same position (although hopefully my company will not steal my retirement savings :!: ).

I agree with you on BB57. 3 Chicas a week at 71 is something I hope to be doing when I hit 70.


Author:  Steven1 [ Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where would you live in the SJ area?

JazzboCR wrote:
EDIT IN: Insightful is not the same as inciteful. Have a nice day.
Wrong again: https://www.google.com/search?q=insightful (although incite and insight are indeed different words; you use urine to incite and isn't working so well; especially when your peeing on your own shoes. :!:

Adding to the resume, obviously: Now 2nd/3rd grade school spell checker and word changer. Insight is something acquired when self reflection takes place. When one is incapable of same, one is incapable of any manner of insight. :P :P

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