Good post ,great responses, this dosent surprise me since I've heard this story many times,, they always says this guy who hangs around her is her cousin ,it's never her friend or brother or brother in law it's always her cousin .
Most gringos are so desperate for a sexy young companion they start to believe whatever they want . being too nice is gonna get her ? Not really ,I made that mistake once now I'm a dick ! JK
..woman like bad boys who don't take her shit ,strong men, men who show her they have options other then her .. .you can do this without being a prick .
remember these Latin American woman are raised catholic of Christian same thing and it's taught that the man is head of the household .We are taught here that's wrong by the feminazis equal rights blah blah buts it's just nature that men have a need to run things since they are the protectors
I've had woman say to me that men always called her and chased her ,but with me she feels if she dosent call me I may never contact her again ?? I have her exactly where I want her .
In love there are the sheep and there are the wolves . . JG