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PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:27 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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I left many months ago not planning on returning other then maybe an annual trip. Sold my condo and everything. This week I got a paternity letter from a SJ lawyer working in their Ch*ld support office. Not service of a summons or what have you, just that one of my amigas? is claiming I am the dad. It's impossible.

So, I am in the process of setting up the DNA appt with the clinic they use and see it thru. I probably don't have to do this if I decided never to go back to CR, but I don't want some kind of crap like this being in the computer at immigration if and when I do decide to visit.

Anyway, it'll be fun to be back in CR anyway despite the rain.

Her cell is disconnected. My tico buddies haven't been able to locate her. Have no clue why she is doing this, what her angle could be, baffled. Wasn't a puta, actually a pretty good person, from a good normal family, so I am dumbfounded. She knows it ain't my Ch*ld, knows the test will prove that. Maybe a muddled story of who shot John?

Any other ideas why?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:39 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!

Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:55 pm
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Maybe she is looking for a shot gun wedding. If there is a K*D, and it is not yours, do what you have to do to protect your interests... buene suerte

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:50 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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Smart guy, hadn't even thought of that obvious possibility, but still so out of character for a Tica I knew personally for years and with whom I had a sad but nice farewell.

But now you got me thinking--and she did have some bad ass BIG brothers who lived in the weight room at the gymnasio. I don't think I'll be tracking her down when I get to CR, just do my blood/dna test and then lay low on the coast and enjoy CR.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:48 pm 
Masters Degree in Mongering!
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DGD wrote:
I left many months ago not planning on returning other then maybe an annual trip. Sold my condo and everything. This week I got a paternity letter from a SJ lawyer working in their Ch*ld support office. Not service of a summons or what have you, just that one of my amigas? is claiming I am the dad. It's impossible.

So, I am in the process of setting up the DNA appt with the clinic they use and see it thru. I probably don't have to do this if I decided never to go back to CR, but I don't want some kind of crap like this being in the computer at immigration if and when I do decide to visit.

Anyway, it'll be fun to be back in CR anyway despite the rain.

Her cell is disconnected. My tico buddies haven't been able to locate her. Have no clue why she is doing this, what her angle could be, baffled. Wasn't a puta, actually a pretty good person, from a good normal family, so I am dumbfounded. She knows it ain't my Ch*ld, knows the test will prove that. Maybe a muddled story of who shot John?

Any other ideas why?

Is her name Melisa?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:58 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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No that ain't her--why? You know another nightmare or at least a pain in the ass story like this?

This one hails from near a well known beach town in the province of Aguirre. So rule out Jaco chicas.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:30 pm 
Masters Degree in Mongering!

Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:44 am
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DGD wrote:
No that ain't her--why? You know another nightmare or at least a pain in the ass story like this?

This one hails from near a well known beach town in the province of Aguirre. So rule out Jaco chicas.

Is her name Angela?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:40 pm 
Masters Degree in Mongering!
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DGD wrote:
No that ain't her--why? You know another nightmare or at least a pain in the ass story like this?

This one hails from near a well known beach town in the province of Aguirre. So rule out Jaco chicas.

I have a customer who just got the good news.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:57 pm 
I can do CR without a wingman!
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If it is impossible I would not go back. I it is improbable but not impossible, I would go and take the test and deal with the results. I have been down this road a few times and it is not fun. Good luck.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:16 pm 
Masters Degree in Mongering!
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Maybe first ask her attorney to send you the childs DNA and you will have it tested and provide them with the results.

OR, alternatively if you have a friend in CR, make arrangements to ship your DNA to him and have him go with the attorney to have the DNA tested in Costa Rica. Frankly with the laws being as they are in CR, you may want to stay out of the country until this is settled. Send me a PM if you need help with finding an attorney in CR or in shipping your DNA to CR.

Caution about going to CR yourself. If she just makes a claim against you in the Country, you can be detained (jailed) until you deposit 13 months of Ch*ld support or stay in jail until the DNA tests are completed.

Usually, however, the girls are reluctant to get a DNA test in CR if they think the father is a Tico out of fear the DNA test will prove that it's not his baby. Then the shit really hits the fan. :shock: :lol: :roll:

Slut Puppy in Training

Is low self esteem a prerequisite for being a good Ho or is it a result? ;-)

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:15 am 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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Thanks for all the in put. The DNA exchange from here to there sounds like an option, I will call them and see if it is.

If not, I am now really thinking about the wisdom of getting trapped in Tico-legal. When catching up with the board which was alot of fun, I saw a news report a guy posted here about the lab they use in CR for paternity for Ch*ld support DNA issues, issued a statement showing 20% of the time the "putative" father--that's the legal term used in the US for guys like me-- turned out to be not the father.

So something is going on with why 1 in 5 Ticas are doing this, some aren't sure expectably, but 1 in 5 strikes me as pretty high in misconceptions of who it could possibly be in a 3-4 week period? In my case I know there is no way it is me. So, can't figure out why she is doing this, so my gut about CR says there's an angle.

And #2 as per your advice, should I really go and get jammed up? The problem with that is I'd never be able to go back to CR without crappin in my drawers thru immigrarion which I planned to do every year or two from my new home in PR without fear of getting really grabbed in a CR bureacracy nightmare.

I read in the same article I mentioned above about the 13 months of support before I could leave but when would I get it back when the results come back negative? My experience in CR says never unless I am in CR pounding on the agency's door after hiring a lawyer and a bunch of red tape. Could be wrong.

I think the ultimate q is how fast do they get results from the test to clear me. I can do 10 days in CR. My guess is DNA tests in CR is probably more alot more. So can they tie me up?

But for me the real q is if 20% of the tests are coming back as false positives, why are the girls doing this when common sense says 7-9 times, the non putas know who the dad is, and know if its him and not him, and knows it's going to come back as a false positive. Like mine. She knows I am not papa. Or maybe they don't know DNA tests are that dispositive?

Something is amiss.

There's an angle there that the gringo's haven't figured out yet.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:57 am 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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DGD wrote:
Thanks for all the in put. The DNA exchange from here to there sounds like an option, I will call them and see if it is.

If not, I am now really thinking about the wisdom of getting trapped in Tico-legal. When catching up with the board which was alot of fun, I saw a news report a guy posted here about the lab they use in CR for paternity for Ch*ld support DNA issues, issued a statement showing 20% of the time the "putative" father--that's the legal term used in the US for guys like me-- turned out to be not the father.

So something is going on with why 1 in 5 Ticas are doing this, some aren't sure expectably, but 1 in 5 strikes me as pretty high in misconceptions of who it could possibly be in a 3-4 week period? In my case I know there is no way it is me. So, can't figure out why she is doing this, so my gut about CR says there's an angle.

And #2 as per your advice, should I really go and get jammed up? The problem with that is I'd never be able to go back to CR without crappin in my drawers thru immigrarion which I planned to do every year or two from my new home in PR without fear of getting really grabbed in a CR bureacracy nightmare.

I read in the same article I mentioned above about the 13 months of support before I could leave but when would I get it back when the results come back negative? My experience in CR says never unless I am in CR pounding on the agency's door after hiring a lawyer and a bunch of red tape. Could be wrong.

I think the ultimate q is how fast do they get results from the test to clear me. I can do 10 days in CR. My guess is DNA tests in CR is probably more alot more. So can they tie me up?

But for me the real q is if 20% of the tests are coming back as false positives, why are the girls doing this when common sense says 7-9 times, the non putas know who the dad is, and know if its him and not him, and knows it's going to come back as a false positive. Like mine. She knows I am not papa. Or maybe they don't know DNA tests are that dispositive?

Something is amiss.

There's an angle there that the gringo's haven't figured out yet.

Get legal advice before coming back here or getting tested.

Alfredo Nunez or Hector Fallas 011-506-2288-6464 Both speak perfect English. Known them and done business with them for 15 years. Reference Bill at Sportsmens Lodge. Or call another attorney here in CR. Good Luck!

This post is provided purely for entertainment purposes and free of charge on the part of the author. No "Sex tourism or travel" promotion is expressed or implied. The author of this post was not provided any compensation for this hopefully entertaining contribution. Any posts regarding any event or hotel item are just my humble opinions only.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:08 am 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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This is why CRT remains a very valuable site for the Members. Thanks Bill for posting this very serious, important and helpful information.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:01 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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As I understand it, if you do not show up for the scheduled DNA test after several appointments, the court will find you as the father by default. Perhaps this is why the chica is putting it on you, thinking you won't come back for the test and having you named as the father by default. I think(?) the US and CR have Ch*ld support agreements in place so a pension might be enforceable in the US.

As for shipping down your DNA or vice versa, the law is pretty straight forward. Court will give you an appointment and you must do it here, at their clinic under their courts' supervision. As for the 20% you quoted, think that is 20% of accused men are NOT the father. Don't think there is any way to get a 'false positive' on a DNA test, they are just too exact a science. DNA from the Ch*ld has to match up to your DNA or it is not your Ch*ld and no way to make a match up from scratch.

I do second Bill's advice, get good legal advice and go from there but under no circumstances just ignore it. Never know what the future might hold for pensions and enforcement of them in the U.S.

You may also be able to file a demanda in court against the chica for any expenses you will incur to return to Costa Rica to have the DNA test done if it is not your Ch*ld. That possible consequence alone may make her rethink her decision to accuse you. Again, more questions for a good CR lawyer...

The only thing that matters is happiness in all it forms...

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 3:44 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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I misused the phrase false positive, I meant negative as to the guy being the dad.

I think you may have hit it on the head about her thinking if I don't challenge it she then could sooner or later try to lien my assets somehow. But wow, it is so out of character for this really sweet person I knew for years. And who I have talked to on the phone 4 times since I left. Never said a word to me about this. I still think a motive may be she may have got pg w/ someone her folks didn't approve of, or worse, so she laid it on me.

Not sure if her family knows what she is doing. Long time excellent friendship with her folks. Very, very religious people. They didn't have phones when I left so I can't call them, but they know a few of my tico friends. They're going to travel out to their finca and see what the parents know about this. The parents know it's impossible so maybe I can nip this thing in the bud if the parents talk to her.

I still can't get over that 20% of the time DNA results showed the accused is not the dad--and that info was from the Ch*ld support office.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 3:51 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!

Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:55 pm
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I think you may have hit it on the head about her thinking if I don't challenge it she then could sooner or later try to lien my assets somehow. But wow, it is so out of character for this really sweet person I knew for years. And who I have talked to on the phone 4 times since I left. Never said a word to me about this. I still think a motive may be she may have got pg w/ someone her folks didn't approve of, or worse, so she laid it on me.

Not sure if her family knows what she is doing. Long time excellent friendship with her folks. Very, very religious people. They didn't have phones when I left so I can't call them, but they know a few of my tico friends. They're going to travel out to their finca and see what the parents know about this. The parents know it's impossible so maybe I can nip this thing in the bud if the parents talk to her.

Put that all behind you now. Based upon what you are saying, she is not your friend.

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