DGD wrote:
Thanks for all the in put. The DNA exchange from here to there sounds like an option, I will call them and see if it is.
If not, I am now really thinking about the wisdom of getting trapped in Tico-legal. When catching up with the board which was alot of fun, I saw a news report a guy posted here about the lab they use in CR for paternity for Ch*ld support DNA issues, issued a statement showing 20% of the time the "putative" father--that's the legal term used in the US for guys like me-- turned out to be not the father.
So something is going on with why 1 in 5 Ticas are doing this, some aren't sure expectably, but 1 in 5 strikes me as pretty high in misconceptions of who it could possibly be in a 3-4 week period? In my case I know there is no way it is me. So, can't figure out why she is doing this, so my gut about CR says there's an angle.
And #2 as per your advice, should I really go and get jammed up? The problem with that is I'd never be able to go back to CR without crappin in my drawers thru immigrarion which I planned to do every year or two from my new home in PR without fear of getting really grabbed in a CR bureacracy nightmare.
I read in the same article I mentioned above about the 13 months of support before I could leave but when would I get it back when the results come back negative? My experience in CR says never unless I am in CR pounding on the agency's door after hiring a lawyer and a bunch of red tape. Could be wrong.
I think the ultimate q is how fast do they get results from the test to clear me. I can do 10 days in CR. My guess is DNA tests in CR is probably more alot more. So can they tie me up?
But for me the real q is if 20% of the tests are coming back as false positives, why are the girls doing this when common sense says 7-9 times, the non putas know who the dad is, and know if its him and not him, and knows it's going to come back as a false positive. Like mine. She knows I am not papa. Or maybe they don't know DNA tests are that dispositive?
Something is amiss.
There's an angle there that the gringo's haven't figured out yet.
Get legal advice before coming back here or getting tested.
Alfredo Nunez or Hector Fallas 011-506-2288-6464 Both speak perfect English. Known them and done business with them for 15 years. Reference Bill at Sportsmens Lodge. Or call another attorney here in CR. Good Luck!