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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 1:26 pm 
Not a Newbie I just don't post much!
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Yep, another ho-hum read on a subject that I am sure has been beaten more than a rented mule on this forum.

It’s a war out there … they have the beauty and supposedly we are to have the brains, but the more I see … the more I see guys being overmatched and losing the battle of the beauties vs. the brain.

One look at the curvy asses, humongous ta-ta’s and a look into those bambi eyes … and all brain function ceases to exist … and a sleeveless hottie has made your 100 dollar bill disappear faster then a bad Latin American magician. Advantage chica.

There is only one way to combat this CIEN larceny … and that is being equipped with the psychology of knowing what exactly your recklessness is costing you … so here in this read lies another TRAVELING Top 10 List.

I hope to think this read to be just “slightly” different then the norm as the goal here is not to necessarily influence those who readily pay CIEN to stop the madness … or to applaud those who never have and never will pay CIEN or to condone those that do … but at the end of this read to simply take a look on the lighter side and realize the TOP 10 THINGS YOU CAN DO WITH THE SAVINGS … should you say “NO GRACIAS” to CIEN

I begin by asking myself “Traveling … Why should you care if someone else pays CIEN?” (By the way … Having conversations with yourself about this stuff can be enlightening)

What one man does … doesn’t affect me.

What a series of people do … doesn’t really affect me.

What a multitude of people do … affects all !!!

Personally, I don’t care with what you do on your own time… with your own money … because its your own business. … though everything has a price tag, nobody can measure the value a particular something has to a particular someone.

Invariably, a fool hearty person will find this saying to be true … that “a fool and his money are soon parted”.

Now who is to say that paying CIEN is foolish?

Is it foolish to ever by a Mercedes Benz (average price 80K) when a Ford Focus (around 15K) will get me to and from the same point A to point B for 65K less? I mean in city traffic, will the Mercedes get me anywhere measurably faster than the Pinto? Hell No … but I will look much better at the red lights in the Benz.

Some people want luxury and can and are willing to pay for it … others find no value in power windows when they can roll them up for $5,000+ off the sticker price even if they could afford the luxury (…and besides…roll down windows can save your life should your vehicle ever be submerged under water and all your electronic components fail :D ) LOL. P.S. Do they even sell cars with roll down windows anymore?

If I had an opportunity to drive a Lamborghini or Maserati in some remote country for $100 or even $200 a day …I’d jump at the chance …. If its $1500 a day like it can be/is here … “I jump not at all!”

With that being said, there has been beauty in the “Eco” (economic) system that was created in Costa Rica by our “Fore-Mongers” … now there is a “HO-bal” warning threat and imminent danger to the existing “Ho-Zone” layer as we know it.

My apologies to all the fine young providers of the arts … I just couldn’t resist a few well placed Ho references :wink:

The most basic of economic principles here in the states can tend to apply abroad as well … First things first … Universally, we will never ever be able to out run Supply and Demand anymore. Even 3rd world countries realize that … If they have it or produce it and you put value on it and want it … well there goes ever getting anything on the cheap … unless of course it is on the low end … so low end that it pales in comparison or becomes totally different then the authentic item.

While many chicas in this business never attended the latin equivalent of MIT Business school or who am I kidding finished high school that matter … they do know the basics of the business and negotiation as it concerns their craft … Throw it out there and see if someone will bite… from there the stunners may not budge and the one’s in need who know it was a ridiculous request to begin with will be inclined to readily and rather easily downgrade their quote.

As many have eluded to in post prior … when the gulch is a gringo filled party-land with newbies and drunks … it’s advantage chica’s … the opening request of CIEN becomes more of an requirement because invariably someone will pay it. When the gulch is barren wasteland … well that opening request of CIEN becomes simply a throwaway line … similar to throwing a penny in a wishing well and thinking maybe my dream will come true.

I’m not a pricing historian on Costa Rica, but I know over the past 8 years in dealing with independents … the general pricing scheme has gone up slightly, but not in the way it has in places like Brazil or Mexico. But in this slight pricing increase and the specter of a greater one … who is (for lack of a better phrase) to or will be to blame?

Is it a well united group of chica’s who have banded together to discourage doing anything towards the low-end regardless if they need food on the table, a new pair of shoes or medicina for the little one … or is it rogue vacationers; “love” smitten gentlemen or beer goggled partiers who are just out to have a good time regardless of what the cost.

As a like minded collection of enthusiast, are we shooting ourselves in the foot by agreeing to pay high end first quote (…and probably getting low end service, but that’s another post) or has the “Punta Union” been successful in its attempt to raise the wage scale?

We all have our own personal equation for value/enjoyment and most of us typically aim for getting the most for the least. Nobody wants to over pay and everyone not only loves a beautiful woman, but also loves a bargain. But let’s not get caught up in the dollars and cents just yet as the goal is always at the end of the day … first, being happy with your purchase or outcome and second … believing it was worth the investment of time and/or money. There is an intrinsic value to all this that nobody can measure but you.

I think we have all at some point paid a premium for something and found that it was worth every penny … and given a “Ground Hogs Day” moment would jump at the opportunity to do it all over again for maybe even more.

At the end of the day isn’t it all about having the opportunity to live the dream and enjoying something to the fullest?

But hold on big spender … as someone who hits up Costa Rica at least 2 or 3 times a year, I understand why others may suggest one should think otherwise and should at least “slightly” care whether someone else readily, willingly and consistently pays CIEN.

Look at it as doing it for the team….being a team player. For the Black Jack players out there, look at it as being in that last seat and you taking a hit or standing will determine the fate of the whole table … or being that power hitter in baseball to not swing at all the wild and enticing pitches at eye level and take the walk so the next man can garner the headlines and the team as a whole gets the glory … sound good? Maybe not … but I tried. (…and did I mention I hate that last seat at the Black Jack table).

The truth be told ... I can’t remember the last time I said “No Gracias” to CIEN because of how it would affect someone else … I said no because the current market value in a “3rd World-ish” Costa Rica dictates such which is a great part of why it is a popular destination among like minded people … paying anything outside of that would be simply … UN-CIVILIZED !!! lol

By not paying CIEN, it maintains Costa Rica as a very affordable P4P venue for everyone by keeping general pricing down for all … so when your K*ds and their K*ds one fateful day discover that there is more than just frogs, butterflies and a rainforest in Costa Rica and that dad was never really a back packer nor did his company provide all expense paid retreats to San Jose … know that they won’t have to listen to opening quotes of “Dos CIEN”? LOL.

Sound like an attempt at price fixing or collusion? … maybe …. But only in the same regard as it is for the chica’s banding together to chastise and shun another chica for accepting too little … that's why it is never truly in your best interest to share another chica's price tag with another chica.

For Newbies or those once a year or every now and again visitors … it is what it is … I’m on vacation, I don’t know any better, it’s cheaper then back home, I’ve got a big budget and I’m not sweating the small stuff … unfortunately for those looking to stabilize a Gulch price structure that has not risen like others in other countries those monger types will always be and won't be helping your cause.

For others who frequent the gulch more often or live down there know that the days of being wide eyed and nose opened by stunners have long passed and no longer is it about buying the highest valued car on the lot, it’s about riding out with the best at a good value.

For those who frequent the Gulch, the sliding budget invariably becomes adjusted to accommodate for increased volume over time … and that is what experience has taught and your savvyness has prevailed … those who pay CIEN only encourage those to ask for it as an opening quote

The decree here is simple … LET THE COSTA RICAN PRICE SCHEME BE THE COSTA RICAN PRICE SCHEME … DON’T CREATE A U.S. PRICE SCHEME … you can go to Vegas for that but for some reason you chose not too … I wonder why?.

Not to short change the chica's ... I love the gamut of selection in CR and ironically, there are quite a few who are/may be every cent worthy of CIEN if they were here (in matter of fact in a place like Vegas I am sure they could command 3 or 4 times as much), but therein lies the issue … this is not Vegas or anywhere in the USA. This is a totally different market place with an already defined price structure different from Vegas or any online classified section ... What currently exist is greatly based on Cost Rica's own economic structure and landscape which can find a uneducated stunner to bring home more in a week then a college educated non-pro will bring home in a month.

The price structure in Costa Rica, relatively speaking, has been monger friendly on the whole that's why it is still a popular destination ... even with San Jose's ever changing political leadership, inflation and a desire to milk the gringo every chance they get ... my hunch is that it will remain the way of nominal increases until of course the monger masses become careless and reckless enough to make a major spike in the Gulch economy adjusting the scale upward ....or until a major catastrophe happens like the closing of the Hotel Del Rey and Key Largo and the effect would be similiar to what Brasil has felt and is feeling without the existence of CLUB HELP. RIP CLUB HELP ... a moment of silence :oops: Sorry, I digress.

Also understand … there can be little to no service drop off when going from CIEN down to 80 or 60 and if your very fortunate 40. The argument has always existed that paying CIEN gets you nothing more and that those that agree to accept such offer do it because they would sooner poke themselves in the eye with a sharp stick then begin a haggle or negotiation session or introduce a challenge to their special moment.

Keep in mind … 60 (a lot of times) has seemed to be the price point that both parties commonly agree upon without too much issue… going lower is a play at your own risk proposition and greatly brings into play the old adage “you get what you pay for”.

As far as physical appeal … well you probably wont find the perfect 10 shopping in the 40 range, but surely a good scratch and dent model could be had.

Nobody goes to San Jose (or nobody should) to drive off the lot with a “fixer upper” … but surely for the wise shopper even on a tighter budget (…but do yourself a favor, don’t come down and tease yourself on a tight budget) … there can be some value had at a lower price point if that is your pleasure.

The current landscape maintains that there will always be those chicas who will be stubborn about CIEN and wont back off it … and then those who will begrudgingly slide down to 80 or less and have their displeasure shown in their performance or lack thereof … those are the ones that need to be detected and avoided…and the sooner you see the signs… the sooner you need to keep it moving as those are the one’s who have amp’d their game up to reel in that wide eyed or inebriated soul who might be likely to succumb to her offer or if nothing else ... a few beers.

Now that we have thrown out there the some of the good and evil of it all in paying the mighty CIEN … understand again this isn’t about whether you should or shouldn’t fork over CIEN (although it seems to be tilted a certain way), but just a lighter look at what you can do with all you can save by just saying NO.

Make no mistake about it … I consider myself a card carrying “NEVER CIEN GUY” … but the truth of the matter is … there have been “special” times when you add in the pre-game cost of drinks and eats and / or an unsolicited post game propina and I have reached or exceeded the CIEN threshold all for the sake of having an outstanding total experience … so quite frankly on the surface the tag for your favorita’s new dress said $30 (well within your budget for a friendly gift), but now she is looking to add the matching bag and shoes and other trivial accessories that will cost no less the $20 a shot … the $30 dress gesture has now become an $120 outfit which is now in need of a place to be out and be seen …cha-ching!

Now with all that being said … Does that make me a CIEN GUY as it would make someone who paid CIEN just for a simple one and done? I don’t think so, but I am sure that is something up to debate.

As a political election is not “officially” won until all precincts have reported … the cost of your session is never known until all the receipts are tabulated (sometimes not until you get back to the states).

Here it is … 10 things that can be done with your new found wealth should you not bow to the CIEN Goddess.

10. The Vitamin store … with all your savings no doubt you will have an increased body count per day and definitely by your trips end … If you never tried the Vitamins … no better time to give it a shot with the $20 you saved by saying no to cien and accepting the almost immediate counter offer of 80. This amounts to being a risk free offer with the pharmaceuticals … who knows … you may extend your tip … I mean trip (no pun intended)

9. One more cervasa for me … literally, one more beer for ME! For grins and giggles she started at Cien and I said No (because someone said I was supposed to … LOL) … and in a nano second she went to 60 and I so thought I had no shot at that … so I jumped at the reduced 60 …. Oh my … What – a – Bargain – for - Me.

OK, so I never read Trumps book “The Art of the Deal”, but hell, I’m feeling good about my savings here and the fact I had a nice little 40 minute in and out session with a stunner who I was ready to give CIEN to. My Harvard business degree must be written all over my forehead…. LOL.

Let’s drink … and drink some more till my 40 bucks is gone and I never touched the booze budget.

9A. Up grade on a Cigar - Personally I am not a cigar officiando so this is kind of out of my league, but I know , like fine wines there is a severely escalating price scale from the average to the crème de le crème.

You no longer have to shop outside the Del Rey for a … ummm… Real Cuban (wink). Head over and see the boys at Little Havana and go top shelf … sit back in that big leather chair in that spacious locker room and puff till your heart’s content … and who knows … with all the cuties bouncing around their … maybe you will have negotiated enough off to get the Bill Clinton treatment too.

8. Place a bet - I’m not a hardcore gambler, but hell with my 20 to 60 in savings, why not pass some time at the table or put it all on black or get 3 hours of suspense out of it by betting on a football game. Hell, you were about to throw it away from the start anyway. And depending on who you ask … your odds may be just as good doubling your money at a table then it is doubling your fun with some CIEN only chica. Who knows … your good luck at the table may be the shot in the arm your chica budget needed.

It’s a crapshoot anyway (no pun intended) on what might last longer…your diva time or your time at the table, but rest assured … you can only lose at the table what you bothered to put down … with a diva there is a potential to lose much more than your initial investment. When they find someone willing to cough up the big 1 0 0 … they know where there ‘pan es mantiquillo’ (bread is buttered) and you will become a marked and coveted man within the Chica Network as …. EL CIEN HOMBRE !!!

7. Nice Dinner … All that negotiating and haggling sure does work up an appetite … with your new found wealth, go ahead and treat yourself … the Del Mar is great for what it is, but go ahead and get a cab and grab a old “buddy”, a new buddy or your wingman and go out to the Peruvian restaurant called Machu Picchu (the one by the KFC) … all the food is great, but treat yourself to the MACHU PICCHU GRILL which consist of 1 plate piled high with really tender beef tenderloin, grilled chicken, queen sea bass, jumbo shrimp, octopus, squid, lobster and a variety of sauces, but beware of the sauces one is capable of setting your poop shoot afire.

Yes it’s a lot of food, but you will have a newfound friend to assist you conquering this mountain of a plate and you can tell someone on your trip to Costa Rica you had more then just fries and chicken fingers or the tico blue plate special.

6. Build GFE - Ahhh yes, sometimes the ability to successfully establish this makes all the difference in the world … it can turn a dead fish into circus dolphin wanting to jump through all kinds of hoops.

Make no mistake about it … the best memories ever are the ones that begin with GFE and lead to dynamic ass smacking session… and yes this could all be had for a negotiated 60, plus a few drinks or snacks or dinner, etc. Think about it, had you succumb to the cien quote and still did the gfe thing … you could be talking upwards of 130 to 150 … and hell you could have stayed home for that … LOL.

5. Go for the questionable one. Picking a winner ( no not your nose) is not an exact science. If you stalk the gulch long enough you will know that many woman are capable of running extraordinary game … those falling prey are more the first timers, newbies, intoxicated and severely language challenged. But make no mistake … the experienced veterans at the game can fall prey too as it is very possible for a chica to show awesome GFE until it is time to turn down the lights and then here comes the attitude, diva-ness and low enthusiasm that was not shown prior.

We all have taken a chance on someone that we hoped would be good … or someone that we had a hunch that would be no good, but she looks so damn fine that I know she will be different for me … or the one that simply just has something about her. Making a selection is always a gamble, but these are really gambles and its much akin to a Coach going for it on 4th and 1 early in the game in his own territory … make it … you’re a genius … miss it and you’re a Foghorn Leghorn tag line … “ Boy is ‘bout as sharp as a bowlin ball…”

In this sport, nothing ventured, nothing gained … so what better time to take a gamble on one but with the dollars you saved off of previous negotiations.

Yeah if she is a dud, it will still suck, nothing is worse then having buyers remorse, but atleast you can mentally write it off as using “house money” to do it.

4. MP shopping - Hell if your stalking the gulch willing to pay CIEN and you fall upon someone who “saves you from yourself” and leads with a 60 quote … guess what … you pocketed $40 my good man and where else to get value on a midday rendezvous, but to hit the MP circuit … These places can be price performers and budget friendly … sure if you go really low end … you can almost rack up a womens futbol team.

But guess what … I know this is out of the box thinking, but maybe just maybe as you stalk the MP circuit and you might find yourself get a “traditional” massage. Who knew? Naaaahh … where can that happen?

Back to Reality.

For 30 minutes to an hour of rack time and what you have saved, this is a no brainer. Sure you may struggle to find a Victoria Secret model and it won’t be like playing a home game at “su hotel” but it will be entertaining in trying and for those who aren’t into exploration just go see my man Boyd and his entourage at Little Havana and make Happy Hour even happier.

3. Let’s make a deal …
Your not Monte Hall nor do you have a chica behind 3 curtains to choose from, but now you can. Understanding that you don’t have to succumb to the CIEN quote … you now have unearthed the possibility of paying CIEN … Huh?
Well yes, but this time it’s for 2 … the dupla … the trifecta … the threesome.

While it may not have been on the first page of your trips agenda (it’s not for everyone… although I don’t see why one wouldn’t try) … now it can be if your negotiations skills are good and your ability to find 2 who will do the right thing at your price point.

Some will argue that one diva at CIEN will be better than 2 middle of the roaders at CIEN. This could be true, but as has been discussed over and over … there are no guarantees in this sport and especially with those high maintenance stunners.

So go ahead … create your own Happy Hour and make it a 2 for 1.

2. Invoke a performance clause (better known as the carrot)
--- Ah this is always a fan favorite … negotiate to the lowest possible figure and the difference from Cien you use as potential propina for a job well done and over and above … around and down … back and forth … you get the point.

Metaphorically speaking, don’t you dare treat your cute pvssy like a dog. She consistently exceeded all expectation … reward her in kind and she will forget all about the fact that you low balled her to begin with and moreover you may have a new best friend (…if of course you want another best friend).

However, there are 2 cautions with this strategy, the first is … For some hottie’s if you take it too low it is insulting and because they need the dinero they will accept, but there performance will be along the lines of “you get what you pay for” and whatever you decided to give her is now a wasted investment in time and money …. Secondly, if they accept and do their same due diligence for 40 or 60 as they would for 80 or 100 and you provide a propina making up some of if not all of the difference … In the future, if you decide to repeat, she will amazingly forget that you originally agreed upon a lower figure of 40 and will be hell bent on stating you paid 80 and will be hell bent on that price point and nothing lower … thus the bargain you thought you had … is no longer a bargain and you have created a monster moreover giving someone an inflated idea of their relative worth.

1.. Take something back with you … Go ahead ... I dare you. I’m talking dinero not a chica. Now you say what fun is this?

Although it may make for great story telling when you get back home and tell your friends “ Man… I spent all my money on booze and babes and had a blast ….” It is NO crime to go home with money in your pocket on a trip to fantasy land. Sure the goal is to spend every last budgeted dime on nothing but the spectacular, but the goal is also not to frivolously waste it.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t every once in a while take a flyer on a stunner who you have a sense that she might “diva-tize” you … or on that chica who is less then stunning, but just has something about her.

In the end, its not the worst thing in the world to come back home and put whatever you didn’t spend in a mayonnaise jar labeled ‘Costa Rica Backpacking Fund” … because you will be coming back for some chica that is packing! And everyone thinks your going to Costa Rica because your some Eco-tourist. How absurd!!!

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:07 pm 
Masters Degree in Mongering!
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very well said sir!


When I was born, I was given a choice - a big pecker or a good memory.... I don't remember what I chose.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:18 pm 
I can do CR without a wingman!
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Joined: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:55 pm
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Great post and funny stuff. :P

Will save for next trip. :D



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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:09 pm 
Not a Newbie I just don't post much!
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Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:30 pm
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Hola Traveling,
Well thought out and entertaining article.
Enjoyed your perspective and humor.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:12 pm 
CR Virgin - Newbie!

Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:51 pm
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GREAT POST..really funny and well thought out..And the best info! LOVED IT!!

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:42 pm 
Masters Degree in Mongering!

Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:43 pm
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GFE number 6 is true to form. The $60 Chicas does leave a lot of wiggle room to wine and dine and really get to know your Chica. If she is really a sincere GFE she will enjoy the attention and like the way you spend money on her rather than a wham bam thankyou maam!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:24 pm 
Not a Newbie I just don't post much!
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Thanks for the kudo's guys ... glad you enjoyed ... a rather lengthy read I know, but maybe just maybe ... it will save someone a few 20's here and there ... although now I might be public enemy #1 within the chica network :shock: LOL

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:03 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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Maybe it will save some 20's....but it won't prevent getting business fugged :lol:


"Pain is the fuel that fans the flames of my pyre. A battle plan is only as good as the general carrying it out on the field. This is my war son, and I have the biggest bombs and the smallest conscience"...

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:51 am 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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Just remember, over the course of a trip, it is far cheaper (not to mention more fun) to pay a chica a cien that stays for a few hours and multiple shots (or TLN) than for 60-80 bucks for a one and done......The whole "no cien" thing was never intended to be a moratiorum on a cien, but on a cien for an hour of mediocre service......

I said hey baby, take a walk on the wild side.
Lou Reed

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:17 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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Hank Daman wrote:
Just remember, over the course of a trip, it is far cheaper (not to mention more fun) to pay a chica a cien that stays for a few hours and multiple shots (or TLN) than for 60-80 bucks for a one and done......The whole "no cien" thing was never intended to be a moratiorum on a cien, but on a cien for an hour of mediocre service......

Very true, Hank

Although TLN's are not my thing, the whole "cien" thing was always - to me at least - not to make $100 the new $60 or $80, if you take my point. And not for the clueless to just pay it with zero negociation.

My friend the lamented former poster BangBang57 always made the point that you often see the same girls in the MP's for a fraction of cien during the day, and in the HDR or the KL later asking for it - he has a point.

There may be on rare ocasions where you just gotta have her and she will not budge - and that's OK - its your money - but my experience has taught me over 40 trips and 15 years that if she will not budge off $100 she may not want to be with you in the first place; a bad way to begin :)

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:37 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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I think it’s sweet to infer that if others pay $100 it becomes the new $60 and so on...

I understand the logic and yes it is sound..but may take a while to understand it has no bearing on wut that chica is going to charge a guy in that moment face to face..it just doesn’t. Because if she presses 100 (since it’s the new 60) and guy says no and she moves on..she didn't give a fugg anyway. :|

If a chica wants to get down with you she will, regardless of the "going rate". :idea:

Emphasis should constantly be put on performance and if you are satisfied..going over bit by bit (every year on this board) over dollars and cents is waaaaay wasted energy imo....


"Pain is the fuel that fans the flames of my pyre. A battle plan is only as good as the general carrying it out on the field. This is my war son, and I have the biggest bombs and the smallest conscience"...

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:42 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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Scuba1 wrote:
Hank Daman wrote:
Just remember, over the course of a trip, it is far cheaper (not to mention more fun) to pay a chica a cien that stays for a few hours and multiple shots (or TLN) than for 60-80 bucks for a one and done......The whole "no cien" thing was never intended to be a moratiorum on a cien, but on a cien for an hour of mediocre service......

Very true, Hank

Although TLN's are not my thing, the whole "cien" thing was always - to me at least - not to make $100 the new $60 or $80, if you take my point. And not for the clueless to just pay it with zero negociation.

My friend the lamented former poster BangBang57 always made the point that you often see the same girls in the MP's for a fraction of cien during the day, and in the HDR or the KL later asking for it - he has a point.

There may be on rare ocasions where you just gotta have her and she will not budge - and that's OK - its your money - but my experience has taught me over 40 trips and 15 years that if she will not budge off $100 she may not want to be with you in the first place; a bad way to begin :)

One does not have to "do" a TLN to negotiate a TLN. The point is to make it so YOU control the experience, including when she leaves. During my last trip to the PI, I had several women willing to stay the night, but after a few hours of phucking I was done with them and wanted my own space, so I gave them a tip and said goodbye. Best on my terms and not feel like I am being rushed or not getting everything I want out of the deal....

I said hey baby, take a walk on the wild side.
Lou Reed

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:17 pm 
Ticas ask me for advice!
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Remember this monger rule: There is no such thing as cien girls, only cien clients.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:32 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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Paging Mucho Gusto... Mucho Gusto, please pick up the white courtesy phone...



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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:35 pm 
PHD From Del Rey University!
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Cujo'S wrote:
I think it’s sweet to infer that if others pay $100 it becomes the new $60 and so on...

I understand the logic and yes it is sound..but may take a while to understand it has no bearing on wut that chica is going to charge a guy in that moment face to face..it just doesn’t. Because if she presses 100 (since it’s the new 60) and guy says no and she moves on..she didn't give a fugg anyway. :|

If a chica wants to get down with you she will, regardless of the "going rate". :idea:

Emphasis should constantly be put on performance and if you are satisfied..going over bit by bit (every year on this board) over dollars and cents is waaaaay wasted energy imo....


Cuj' ol buddy - I think you miss my point - a little :)

I agree with you that (as you have posted in the past) that what another guy pays has little to no relationship to what I (or you or anyone w/ a little game) might pay - my point was:

If she does not back off cien - or whatever above that figure she has quoted - she might not want to be with you - so I think we are in total agreement on this point

Paying $100 I think is foolish in the vast majority of cases - and there are many guys - for a variety of reasons (shyness, still cheaper than in the USA, misguided feeling that they will get a better secesion if she is "happy" with the pricing :roll: , clueless, etc) - just will not negociate - gotta be a reason almost all of the girls at the HDR or the KL start at that number -

I know they probably teach it in "whore school" :lol: (along, of course with the famous phrases: "Bacation" "You firs' time baby" "Where you stay, Baby" "I wait fo' you, baby" "Won drink fo' me baby" etc :roll: :lol: :roll: )

Hank - I don't disagree - I just responded to your mention of a "TLN" as its not my thing, and I probably fall into the category of paying 'em to leave - again, different strokes.....

The "cien" debate and the discussion that follows is going to be a part of CRT, I dunno, probably forever :lol: I've had guys - on more than one ocasion - tell me that its the price and what are you going to do - and those are the guys that are never going to get it, b/c at $70 they have made in an hour what a cashier at, say, a Mas y Menos has worked all week, standing on her feet, to earn - so I never feel bad about a negocation.

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