
Novia or Cool Dog - Which is Better?
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Author:  Chi_trekker [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Novia or Cool Dog - Which is Better?

In the past month, I have two large changes in my life: First, I acquired a puppy about a month ago and, last week, I sent my girlfriend home to mommy permanently.

This week I have been reflecting on these two events. Which is better??? My novia or my puppy?

Well, lets start by saying they ARE BOTH high maintenance. However, I will try to contrast the ups and downs of each.

My puppy is having a difficult time with potty training. She shits and pisses all over the house. I have been forced to buy a crate and crate-train her. This still doesn't work. I'll take her out of the crate and walk her. She will spend a half hour outside eating grass and barking at birds. Whats the first thing she does when she gets inside? She shits right on the carpet - in front of my own eyes. Argghhh!!!! My job of cleaning shit is getting old!!! She is also just makes the house smell shit. My maid now needs to come 3x per week, because I just can't keep the place clean. Not a big deal - its only $20 more per week. I'm actually debating hiring a live-in maid/puppy opair. I feel like my job of shit-cleaner, is phucking up the balance in my life. I also need someone to watch her, when I'm on business travel. Funny - my ex-nova used to always blame me when she shitted. "Its your dog. You clean it." (Roughly translated from Spanish). My answer was usually.... Wait!!! You are the one who threw a temper tantrum at the pet store. You wanted the dog, more than me!!!!

Anyway, my puppy is 3 months old. If you extrapolate this into "human years", she is about 21 months old. Lets just round this up to 2 years old.

My ex-novia is 24 years old. Her 25th birthday is just right around the corner. Let me start by staying, that she is an EXTREMELY CLEAN person. When she lived here, the place smelled like a hospital. She cleaned everyday while watching her novelas. Dishes, laundry, carpets... you name it. It was scrubbed everyday. Now, my house smells like a friggin' kennel. I can't keep the dog out of my bed. She jumps on it and plays with dog-shit paws. I have patterns of shit prints on my bed. I like her creative touch decorating my bed, but it smells quite awful. Since her doggie bed is cleaner, than mine. I'll opt to sleep in her bed tonight. I prefer cleanliness to comfort.

My puppy is taking control of my life. However, she always greats me with a friendly smile. Well... she doesn't have lips, so she can't smile, but she wags her tail like crazy and licks my ankles when I walk in the door. Its like I'm the most important thing in her life. Apparently, she is also becoming an important part of my life. I only get a break, when I crate her and go to the gym. She also has this incredible habit called snuggling. She likes to snuggle on the couch or in bed. If I make her go down, because I'm watching TV during dinner, she usually will fall asleep on my feet. She also has a cute snore, which actually aids falling a sleep. Its like listening to a baby sleep.

My ex-novia was also trying to take control of my life. I want this. I want that. You never buy me anything. I want a puppy Chow Chow!!!!!!!!!!! She also had this crazy personality defect. She wanted to start a fight just about everyday. In fact, she would usually walk in the door, pissed off about something and IMMEDIATELY start bitching at me. Sometimes, she would decide to have a temper tantrum in public. For example, she had a crying anger fit after I bought her $100 in clothing. I told her she could spend $100, but not more, as I have budget to live on. So, I made her put a shirt back, because its my checkbook and I didn't want to spend over $100!!! With her $100 bag of clothes clenched in hand, she began crying in front of my friends, while eating at the restaurant at the mall. She said it was because we were speaking english and she felt shame, because she didn't understand. This also made her mad, because I wasn't helping her learn English. I only paid her matricula for well-reputed school in SJ. I had also been negotiating with a girl at the gym, who speaks perfect english, to give her private lessons 3x per week. This is all aside, because I think she is just mad that I made her put the shirt back.

There are many more things I could add to contrast the two changes in my life. One thing that at least adds more serenity to my life, is the ability to crate my dog and go off to classes or the gym. I can complete separate the two and have some "self time." When I come home and let her out, she is happy as hell, but then shits all over the floor. Since she is not even 2 years old in "human years", I'm taking this as a request for attention. I simply grab and plastic bag and cleaner and assume the role of puppy shit cleaner. It only takes 5 minutes, then its wiggle waggle. Daddy - look I'm playing with my favorite bone!!!! Daddy - watch me run around the house like a lunatic!!! Look Daddy - I went downstairs and brought you a present. Your neighbors shoes!!!!! You should try them. They are really chewy and leave a nice finish on your palate.

My girlfriend who is turning 25, which is a little over 3 years in "dog years", actually behaved like she was 14, which is 2 years old in "dog years." Damn - if you extrapolate, they are roughly the same age. I'll assume all of those temper tantrums, were the human equivalent of shitting all over the house, right in front of your eyes.

Wow - this is enlightening!!! I have actually figured out the root cause of her personality defects, by analyzing puppy behavior. It all makes sense now. Well, I think I've made the right decision. I have decided that the puppy stays and the novia goes. In fact, I'm willing to bet that my new puppy, will help attract a new novia who has a job, a car, an education, rational and mature thoughts, and the ability to share happiness.

Whats your vote???

Author:  Spanky [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:53 am ]
Post subject: 

I voted puppy because women are a pain and aren't trainable like a dog.

You might want to check this site out http://www.cesarmillaninc.com/ for tips on training your dog. Seen the guy on TV and he does some amazing things.

Author:  Mia2Ewr [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I also voted cool dog. But make sure you train your dog or else you may end up with an undisciplined mess like our fellow member The Bearded Clam has. Should that happen I would urge you to abandon both.

Author:  Witling [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would have kicked that bitch to the curb at the first whine and I ain't talking about the dog.

I currently have relationships with two women. One is in South America. The other is in the U.S. but she is Asian (she's been here 30 years). Neither asks for anything or whines about anything.

I enjoy spending time with both and the sex is great with both.

There is no reason to put up with that crap.

But that's just my opinion.

Author:  Mucho Gusto [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Witling wrote:
I would have kicked that bitch to the curb at the first whine and I ain't talking about the dog...

...There is no reason to put up with that crap.

Uncle Wit, you big bully !!! :P :lol:

Author:  SparkChaser69 [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:07 pm ]
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Well the dog may sh*t on the carpet, but the novia will sh*t ON YOU!!! :evil:

Author:  Orange [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:33 pm ]
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Forget the dog, the girl will give you sex. :wink:

Author:  El Viejo [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:44 pm ]
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Keep the dog, you can buy sex, but you can't buy love and the dog will love you for just being you :)

Author:  Traylor Park [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would much rather have a bitch I can Phuck, then a dog who needs more attention than I can give.
"If I lived each day as if it were my last I would have been dead a long time ago." - Traylor Park

Author:  DrForm [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll keep my dog(understands commands in Spanish and English)over a permanent chica.(because i can't find one that takes orders in any lingo)Ofcourse i'll continue to rent these chicas for the rest of my life and that's just fine with me!

Author:  TheBeardedClam [ Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey, I like my dog.

Author:  Lee [ Wed Oct 03, 2007 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Girlfriend


Finally I understand why some of you guys have such ugly girlfriends. They are dog substitutes. :lol:

Author:  OFT [ Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dogs love it when your friends come over.
Dogs don't care if you use their shampoo.
Dogs think you sing great.
A dog's time in the bathroom is limited to a quick drink.
Dogs don't expect you to call them when you're running late.
The later you are, the more excited dogs are to see you.
Dogs will forgive you for playing with other dogs.
Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dogs name.
Dogs are excited by rough play.
Dogs don't mind if you give their offspring away.
Dogs understand that farts are funny.
If a dog is gorgeous, other dogs don't hate it.
Dogs don't shop.
Dogs like it when you leave lots of things on the floor.
A dog's disposition stays the same all month long.
Dogs never need to examine the relationship.
A dog's parents never come to visit.
No dog ever put on a hundred pounds after reaching adulthood. .
Dogs don't want to know about every other dog you have ever had.
Dogs like to do their snooping outside, as opposed to your wallet, desk, or sock drawer.
Dogs don't let magazine articles guide their life.
Dogs would rather you buy them a hamburger than a lobster dinner.
You never have to wait for a dog; they're ready 24 hours a day. .
Dogs find it amusing when you are drunk.

Author:  DrForm [ Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:10 am ]
Post subject: 

OFT very funny! :lol: :lol: :lol: Dogs,unconditional love, chicas come with a whole list of conditions.I'm not good with lists.

Author:  Flyboy [ Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Another thing about dogs ...................if you gotta chain your dog, it ain't your dog.

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