
I wish this guy well!
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Author:  Lennydo [ Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!

Icantstayaway, I hope the recliner has served you well. :D

I agree that you can't turn a Ho into a housewife, but not all of the girls we meet downtown are hardened Ho's. Many are just starting out and were previously someone's housewife, until he abandoned her and her baby. As you know from living in CR, this is more the case with the newbie chicas.

However, once she experiences many gringos taking her to places she previosuly could only dream of going and then learns how to play the guys to give her more money and presents, she is worthless as anything other than being a Ho. Working at anthing else in CR is just not as attractive for her and the money she can make is much less. Only bartenders in CR seem to be able to make more money than the Hos and many of them supplement their earnings on our side of the bar. Others are just looking to land a newbie gringo who can and will support her and her baby. They have this "being rescued" fantasy as much as the gringos have the desire to be a "rescuer." :roll:

I hear that it can happen, but when any of my friends fall into the rescuer mode, I wish them the best, but counsel them that such a relationship rarely works, so if (when) theirs crashes, try to get out without being an asshole. To do anythng else is just "blaming the snake" for doing what comes natural to them.

Reminds me of an old Bob Dylan Lyric:
"At first you'll be proud to steal (buy) her anything she sees, but you'll wind up peeking through a keyhole down upon your knees." :roll: :oops:

Author:  ColombiaLover [ Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!

Yes, Lenny. I was mistaken as to when she got married. I thought it was in October, but that was some other occasion. I saw the wedding photos later. Somehow I'm not surprised she was still willing to see you. She apparently quite her "legitimate" job once she got engaged, so now presumably gets money from him, but it's never enough, is it. I actually dropped her a message recently (first time in months) and she indicated she'd like to get together next time I'm in town. Go figure.

yes, her sister seems to be much more of a regular now. I guess she realizes that when the married one finally leaves for Lousiana, she'll have to pay for things on her own. When I was there in October, I was with the sister just about every night. Very similar, other than the hair. I've gotten a few messages from the sister (V) and she seems to be starting to learn English. A chip off the old block.

Don't laugh about the thank you note. On more than one occasion, I told both of them to thank their mother for me!

Lennydo wrote:
ColumbiaLover, The next step in this saga was only slightly different. Although I know that she got married in December, I sent her an email that I was coming to CR in late February and would like to see her. I promptly received a reply that she would like to see me and wanted me to call her when I got there. Initially no response to several calls and text messages.

I saw her sister at SL and was told that her husband was in town, but if he left before I did that she wanted to come see me. However, it didn't happen this time. He was there until after I had left. HOWEVER, I had a wonderful time with her sister several times! They look alike, Phuck alike and taste alike. :D 8) Pure GFE and wonderful chicas. I thought maybe I should write a Thank You Note to their Mom & Dad. :D :D :lol:

Author:  ColombiaLover [ Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!

Lennydo wrote:

The chica which this thread is about (and her sister) are the most cheerful and pleasant chicas that I have met in Costa Rica. They are also the most GFE that I have met in Costa Rica. I wish her only the best and while I think the marriage she's now in has minimal chance of success, I do not believe that she's doing it for the money. Perhaps she's just doing it because she too nice to say no. :roll: :)

Totally agree. I believe the girl was given an opportunity that she could not refuse. When I see pictures of them on her FB, she seems happy. Like many of these girls, they seek safety and security. He can give that to her and her baby. Before he proposed, she told me she was hoping to go back and finish HS and possibly try to go to Texas to live with an aunt to study accounting (I believe). So she realized she was on a dead end and needed to make a change. She just found a way to make a change a bit faster. I wish her well, but agree with Lenny that the odds are against them.

Author:  ColombiaLover [ Sat May 30, 2015 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!


Apparently it didn't work out. She's single again. Maybe I'll find out the story some day.

Author:  Lennydo [ Sun May 31, 2015 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!

Hmmmm. I wonder if someone told him about CRT and he read our posts. I hope not. However, just as she was rather unexcited about getting married, she seems equally not upset about being divorced. More like she was dissapointed in what he promised her than the breakiing of a marital commitment. But I guess she never really felt a marital commitment; maybe only a child-like anticipation of going on a trip to the Estados Unidas.

It's an interesting saga and likely not over yet. He's very lucky that she has a kind and gentle heart or he could be facing significant financial distress. I'm looking forward to seeing her in a few weeks. I hope some other guy has not homesteaded her before I get down there. There were at least two other guys that I know about who were thinking about it before she married this guy.

Author:  El-Senor-Jefe [ Sun May 31, 2015 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!

I just went back and read this whole thread. Should be MANDATORY reading for a person wanting to get married to a working Chica. My two cents is that man and working Chica are looking for different things. He is looking for good sex and companionship and she is looking for security. My opinion is that odds of success increase if the age difference is less than 15 years and preferably 10. I realize that leaves alot if us out of the target range for the 30 and under chicas.

It also matters what assets (read bank account) you actually have to protect. Personally when I die (hopefully in a long time) I want my assets (read bank account and insurance money) to go to my K*ds.

If you have no little or no assets to pass to your heirs, it makes things different and possibly worth the chance.

BTW, this applies to mongering in all countries and not just Costa Rica.

Remember, there are actually exceptions to every rule and I hope the best for everyone that gets married. I do not wish misery on anyone but some people chose misery and other, misery just happens.

Her goal is to be happy and secure and that her parents and Ch*ldren are the same. She normally does not care if you are happy just so she is.

Rent, don't buy.

Author:  estebanh [ Tue Oct 20, 2015 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!

El-Senor-Jefe wrote:
I just went back and read this whole thread. Should be MANDATORY reading for a person wanting to get married to a working Chica. My two cents is that man and working Chica are looking for different things. He is looking for good sex and companionship and she is looking for security. My opinion is that odds of success increase if the age difference is less than 15 years and preferably 10. I realize that leaves alot if us out of the target range for the 30 and under chicas.

It also matters what assets (read bank account) you actually have to protect. Personally when I die (hopefully in a long time) I want my assets (read bank account and insurance money) to go to my K*ds.

If you have no little or no assets to pass to your heirs, it makes things different and possibly worth the chance.

BTW, this applies to mongering in all countries and not just Costa Rica.

Remember, there are actually exceptions to every rule and I hope the best for everyone that gets married. I do not wish misery on anyone but some people chose misery and other, misery just happens.

Her goal is to be happy and secure and that her parents and Ch*ldren are the same. She normally does not care if you are happy just so she is.

Rent, don't buy.

I have seen a number of successful older monger/younger puta arrangements work. Some read this forum. Your rules of age gap as a problem are the griingo/european paradigm that does not hold in most cultures around the world. Before the modern era, it was common for a man 20 + years older to take a young bride (even in the US and Western Europe). It normally took many years to accumulate enough wealth and assets to support a family. This type of pairing still holds true in many parts of the world.

I think its a win-win for the young beautiful puta and the older monger. He gets a hot partner, she gets to live a good life and travel. He will be dead in 15-20 years and she will get Social Security and pension benefits.

Author:  Icantstayaway [ Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!

Lennydo wrote:
Icantstayaway, I hope the recliner has served you well. :D

It did. My cats trimmed nails do not even make marks. And the gas grill too. I use it every Wednesday.

Back to the working girl turned housewife ala (Pretty Woman). I do know several guys that have done it. I was one of them, twice. One for two years and one for four years. Will I do it again ? No.

I have done many "don't try this at home" things in my life. But IF I was going to get in another relationship, I would absolutely not do it with a girl that has worked before. Thats the result of my experience and based on my personal circumstances.

And don't get me wrong, I love girls. All of them. Pros and not pros alike. Simply I would not have a live-in relationship with a pro or ex pro.

Author:  Crookedcr [ Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!

I've read quite a few of these kinds of stories over the years, on this board an others. I've also spoken with a few guys in similar circumstances.

One point that is touched on but not emphasized enough, is that, while the working girls come with a collection of ideas/expectations/circumstances, so do most mongers.

By far, most mongers I've met are in the hobby for one of two reasons - either they want to bang a hot chica and send her home and get a good night's sleep, or he's not capable of satisfying sexual desires without paying for it. (Or some combination thereof).

The former will probably never be satisfied with one gal in the long term. The latter probably can't keep a gal satisfied in the long term.

The truth is that the abyss between why men monger and why women "lay for pay" is so vast that it would be nearly impossible for such a pair to enjoy a successful LTR.

Author:  WorldMonger [ Sat Dec 19, 2015 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!

Crookedcr wrote:
I've read quite a few of these kinds of stories over the years, on this board an others. I've also spoken with a few guys in similar circumstances.

One point that is touched on but not emphasized enough, is that, while the working girls come with a collection of ideas/expectations/circumstances, so do most mongers.

By far, most mongers I've met are in the hobby for one of two reasons - either they want to bang a hot chica and send her home and get a good night's sleep, or he's not capable of satisfying sexual desires without paying for it. (Or some combination thereof).

The former will probably never be satisfied with one gal in the long term. The latter probably can't keep a gal satisfied in the long term.

The truth is that the abyss between why men monger and why women "lay for pay" is so vast that it would be nearly impossible for such a pair to enjoy a successful LTR.

+1.... I like to bang hot chicas, then send them home so I can get a good night's sleep. :D

Author:  hotdogg [ Sat Dec 19, 2015 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!


I don't pay for sex. I pay them to leave.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

Author:  amstrdam [ Sat Dec 19, 2015 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!

Scuba1 wrote:
Play your cards right and in less than 6 months you will have your own hoo - er in the good 'ol USA'

hahahaha, excellent thought!

Author:  Gypsy [ Sun Dec 27, 2015 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I wish this guy well!

Don't forget that those who fall for a hooker are not really mongers, they are just delusional fools who believe that the putas' fake love is real.

If I wanted to find love, I'd look among those not in the pu*sy for money trade.

Crookedcr wrote:
I've read quite a few of these kinds of stories over the years, on this board an others. I've also spoken with a few guys in similar circumstances.

One point that is touched on but not emphasized enough, is that, while the working girls come with a collection of ideas/expectations/circumstances, so do most mongers.

By far, most mongers I've met are in the hobby for one of two reasons - either they want to bang a hot chica and send her home and get a good night's sleep, or he's not capable of satisfying sexual desires without paying for it. (Or some combination thereof).

The former will probably never be satisfied with one gal in the long term. The latter probably can't keep a gal satisfied in the long term.

The truth is that the abyss between why men monger and why women "lay for pay" is so vast that it would be nearly impossible for such a pair to enjoy a successful LTR.

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