
Here's a new one..
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Author:  TimBones [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

Yes, I have to agree that ID nailed it once again.

I also think there is a larger point here about trusting all those Little Darlings out there to 'do the right thing" Many times that is not going to happen and information is a valuable tool in anyone's hands. The less you tell these gals about yourself, what you are doing, when you are leaving the less potential problems you will have. :)

The minute that this gal brought a minor to my house would be the last. Just because she is a minor for crying out loud and that should be enough. If not, add to that that you are in a foreign country.

Author:  Redman69 [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

I agree that he ended up with good advice from ID and others. So this is a good spot for info. Also opinions and experinces which can also be helpfull.

Author:  Chi_trekker [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

This was nothing but pure extortion. I personally would have called their bluff, ofource after talking with a good attorney and clearing everything. Since there is probably no evidence that her niece was ever even in your house. Call the mom and say - you are a bunching of thieving liars. Then, tell her that you are calling the newspapers and the OIJ. Sounds like you got a good case of - latin trash.

If you need help with translation - PM me.

I recently had a very bad experience with an electrician who stole from my house. I basically hunted him down. I did background and crime checks on him and a family members. Found out they weren't professional theives or gang members. Just poor latin trash. Got a name, phone and address. Called his family. Told them what i was sending bad people over to do bad things to their son. Called the actual thief. THREATENED HIM BIG TIME!!! Had a few other people call their house as investigators and bad guys. He couldn't sell the $4k ring he stole. Within a few hours of making calls, it was in a box on my front door stop, with an apology note.

Because we are white and gringo, they expect us to be soft and weak. But, when you show them the reverse, it scares the hell out of them. I'm not recommending my approach to everyone. But, it worked for me and didn't cost much. And suprisingly I got the ring back.

Author:  Joe Merchant [ Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

I did about the same thing, I know the family pretty well.
One call to a sister and I had an apology inside an hour and I was ensured this would not trouble me again.
I'm still changing my phone number...

Author:  Gypsy [ Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

TimBones wrote:
Yes, I have to agree that ID nailed it once again.

I also think there is a larger point here about trusting all those Little Darlings out there to 'do the right thing" Many times that is not going to happen and information is a valuable tool in anyone's hands. The less you tell these gals about yourself, what you are doing, when you are leaving the less potential problems you will have. :)

The minute that this gal brought a minor to my house would be the last. Just because she is a minor for crying out loud and that should be enough. If not, add to that that you are in a foreign country.

TB, didn't you notice when he said "at the time I had a novia"? How can't you not trust a novia in Costa Rica? :twisted:

Author:  Redman69 [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

Damm good advice and results.

Author:  50strokes [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Not new!

Phuck dem hoes when they try extortion!

If you look like a mark, sound like a mark, act like a mark, react like a mark.

You are a mark!


Will be a mark.

dont be a mark.
get some sack men.

Stop flashing ya money and telling dem hoes what you got back in da states. They aint impressed. It just gives them a reason to figure out how to seperate you from ya paper!

if you dont this will only go further.

dont give in to da terrorists!

A while back one of dem Del Rey hoes tried to extort a famous costa rican boxer after he had paid her and sent her on her way. She told the coppers that he raped her. They checked her background and his story then concluded that she was a hooka trying to make a hit and they released him with no further problems?


Author:  Steven1 [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

True. True. :lol: Reminds of Muddy's lyric:

Have mercy!

Sweet little home, got burned down, people ain't that bad
Yeah you know I had a sweet little home, it got burned down, people ain't that bad
Whoa you know you can't spend what you ain't got,
you can't lose some little girl you ain't never had

And after Pairodice's gets done wid ya....people....ya AIN'T GOT!!

click me to hear!!!

Greengo wrote:
you may think your problems are solved ..but theyve just begun..lawyers in costa rica as everywhere are trained bottomline bottom feeders ...theyre getting ready to string you out..string you on...youre small pension ..home..life insurance...car..credit line are all in play...you just think youre poor :lol: ..this aint goin away...but "youd" better........go somewhere else(another country) for awhile ...many a month leave here 20 to 50 grand short after being lured to "private club experience stings" involving persons represnted as illegal... phoney cops ..courtrooms..judges. :lol: :lol: :lol: .boogey out bubba..dont look back...the scams used to seperate one from his assets by the minions of upperlevel scum are myriad...theft and appropriation is as admired respected and emulated in costa rica as hard work risk and ingenuity is in the u s.... :lol: :lol: :lol:the new computer system with passwords for sale on every level will whether youre a resident or just visting make one as transparent and vulnerable as a transluscent guppy in a florescent aquarium :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  K-Paxian [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

Wow, I never really thought about this possibility. Is this why the girls are constantly asking you the most common three questions -

where are you staying?
for how long you stay here?
when are you leaving?

If so I'm gonna say "In a hotel", "Till my pecker is wore out" and "when I only have $50 left so I can pay the exit tax and a buy a coke.". And for the record, my name is Dick, Dick M. Nixon and I'm glad to meetcha.

Author:  Goingsouthsoon [ Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

I can tell you from 1st hand experience that by answering these seemingly innocent conversation starters, very little good has ever come of it. And even though I have had bad experiences with a couple of girls by answering these questions honestly, I doubt that when they start the conversation it was done with fore thought or attempting the hatching of an evil plot. It was just the way it rolled out. They used the information I freely gave them against me, imagine that. I tend to look at it now as they were getting a small insurance policy. Kinda like the front desk holding their IDs for our protection.

As for answering the basic questions, my recent approaches have more been in a friendly and wise cracking manner, anything to get past these ice breakers. Beacause, I am still trying to break down some of the walls in a new encounter and want a little more of a GFE then just a mechanical deal. But basically they are fabrications loosely wound around reality. I have a tendency of screwing up my BS after putting a few cocktails in the mix.

The real answer is once you smell a rat it is time to change venues. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at things, for me it has been only twice in many many years.

Frankly, I would love to read any of you others who have had horror stories and how you handle them. Is there another thread out there that speaks to this? I havent seen it?

Author:  MrLasVegas [ Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

So here is what I am trying to figure out, goingsouth. Why do you continue returning to CR? If I had that happen once to me I would change mongering destinations immediately. Never to return. It happened to you twice and you still come back for more. Afreaking mazing. I have been at this hobby of ours for going on 9 years now. Have had the pleasure of mongering around the world. I have never heard of so many chica related scams in my life as I see posted here. I lived in Tijuana for over a year and other than a small police shakedown that cost me $60 once, I never had another issue. In the city that many of you consider dangerous. Are the ticos just worthless con artists, or are some of you terribly unlucky? Either way I am glad I am limiting my future CR visits.

Author:  LACowboy [ Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

This is great info, guys. Thanks for keeping the post rolling. I never thought about those innocent questons they ask you right up front, although I have been fanatical about hiding my financial means from them. None of them will ever again know my travel plans!

Author:  Goingsouthsoon [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..


Heck I don’t know if I have been terribly unlucky or if you have been afreakingly very lucky. :P But, it was only once in CR and once in Cartagena. And it sounds that our frequent flyer mile accounts are about the same. When I do my math, I am shooting about 99.95% successful all smiles type trips.

I only bring these things up for what ever they are worth to others. I have read a few other stories on this and other sites. I have had other buddies give me horror stories, that make mine look like a walk in the park. I have seen guys go down in flames, both here at home and away. And as I pointed out in the earlier post it is not only a new encounter that can surprise you, old friends can as well.

I DO NOT think that all Ticos or Ticas are con artists. I have meant some from both sides of the fence, just as I have here at home. I only want this thread to continue in hopes of discovering any other ways I have unwittingly put bullets in another persons gun.

IMHO. It is not all dome and gloom, but with just a few less words or a little less booze or other crap can make a world of difference. We swim in a shallow dirty little pool. The likelihood of have something sticking to us is great. We should keep or eyes and ears open and our mouths a little more shut.

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. But stories are sooooo much better.. :twisted:

Author:  Svenson [ Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

Ya your right alcohol = truth serum.....Girl at airport with man with gun in hand looking for you geez!!Gives me the Weeby Geebys!!!!.......MR.WIZARD HELP ME!!!!!Remember that cartoon?lol

Author:  LuisMD [ Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here's a new one..

Joe Merchant,
Thank you for this post. I understand that it is of great benefit to all of us to know all the possible scam tricks that may take place. Your case started with something that seems harmless, letting a girl to spend a night in the other room. How can any body think that that could be the start of an extortion case? But know, all the CRT brothers that read your post can be a little more alert for any similar situation.
I can not give any advice apart from all the different opinions already written by other brothers. I am trying to imagine myself in your position, I really don not have a phucking idea of how I would react. Any way Joe, thank you for your post.

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