just121 wrote:
HaHa, the hydrocarbons are probably the bigger issue. I would like to know about that. All I saw online is that the water was shut off in some areas. The promised turning on and off of the water supply as well as distributing water in trucks has not happened as advertised. As long as I can shower and flush that is all I need. As far as the other issue, I do plan to take an antiparasitic when I return home as a prophylactic measure.
Water Issue
Here is a good summary if the xylene contamination issue which was resolved in December.
https://ticotimes.net/2024/02/07/costa- ... c-distrustHowever, as usual there are ongoing issues related to outdated infrastructure and the dry season. These are real issues for the local population but not for those staying in gulch hotels. If you are in an AirBNB or local apartments then YMMV. Many places have reserve tanks, but if yours doesn't, there will be rotating water outages or low pressure until May. These events will rotate around the central valley.
When I lived in Amon, I had a 3 story apartment. Washing machine on floor one, kitchen and half bath on floor two, full bath on floor three. During a slight low pressure event, I would lose water on the third floor from 7am to 9pm, so no showers and I would have to go to floor two to take a shit. Later, during more severe low pressure, I would have to go to the basement and shit in a bucket. If I wanted to shower I would attach a hose to the washing machine. Be aware that in much of the GAM there are no backflow restrictors and if you lose water pressure altogether you will need to flush your lines and boil water. If you fail to do this, the chances of shitting everywhere increases. In most tourist areas the infrastructure is good, but the girls are often living in the worst affected areas. They could easily contract sanitation related diseases and pass them to you by sexual OR casual contact. COVID infections are also on the rise (less hand washing, etc).
As far as parasites, I have had two incidences since 2017. Both times, it was cleared up with OTC medication (probably prescription in the US). Dr Lee can set you up for your return trip along with a ZPack.